EpiPen Auto-Injector: Rapid Relief for Allergic Emergencies

EpiPen and EpiPen JR Auto-Injectors are your lifeline in critical moments, swiftly treating life-threatening allergic emergencies. Designed for immediate use by you or a caregiver, they offer vital relief when it's needed most. Remember, while they are crucial, EpiPen and EpiPen JR do not replace the need for emergency medical care, so it's essential to seek professional help immediately after using them. These auto-injectors, containing epinephrine, can make a life-saving difference, addressing anaphylaxis – a potentially fatal condition that can occur within minutes, triggered by various factors such as insects, foods, medications, exercise, or unknown sources. Your safety is paramount, so keep EpiPen and EpiPen JR at hand for peace of mind in the face of an allergic emergency.
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Grouped product items
Product Name
EpiPen Junior Auto-Injector: Rapid Relief for Allergic Emergencies 150mg -
EpiPen Adult Auto-Injector: Rapid Relief for Allergic Emergencies 300mcg



The active ingredient and instructions for use are the same for the EpiPen® and EpiPen® Junior so the information in this website is applicable whether you have been prescribed EpiPen® or EpiPen® Jr and the term EpiPen® used throughout applies to both. 

This website provides healthcare professionals with an overview of the treatment of anaphylaxis, the signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and how to use EpiPen®.

What is EpiPen®:

EpiPen® and EpiPen® Jr are indicated in the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect stings or bites, foods, drugs and other allergens as well as idiopathic or exercise induced anaphylaxis.
Selection of the appropriate dosage strength is determined according to body weight. 


EpiPen® auto injectors are automatic injection devices containing adrenaline
for allergic emergencies.


Anyone at risk of an anaphylactic reaction should carry an adrenaline auto-injector with them at all times1, as an immediate injection of adrenaline could be the difference between life and death.

NICE guidelines recommend that all patients admitted with a confirmed or suspected anaphylactic reaction should be prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector while awaiting specialist referral.2

European guidelines provide the following absolute and relative indications for prescribing adrenaline auto-injectors in children.3

Absolute indications

  • Previous cardiovascular or respiratory reaction to a food, insect sting or latex.
  • Child with food allergy and co-existent asthma.
  • Exercise induced anaphylaxis.
  • Idiopathic anaphylaxis.

Relative indications

  • Any reactions to small amounts of a food (e.g. airborne food allergen or contact only via skin).
  • History of only a previous mild reaction to peanut or tree nut.
  • Remoteness of home from medical facilities.
  • Allergic reaction to food as a teenager.

EP0012 EP0013 EP0014